made ​​a huge contribution to the local economic development

Singapore Chinese immigrants either very rich or very capable, virtually a competitive relationship and locals. The locals accused the Chinese immigrants drive up real estate prices, occupy the best work, and driving a beautiful sports car causing traffic jams. Also speak Chinese locals and immigrants is very different accent, exaggeration, Singaporeans woke up, found the subway was packed with people speak Mandarin. Increased competition cited contradictions Half of them from Southeast Asia Needless to say, the influx of fresh blood to ease Singapore's low population replacement rate, high-quality personnel more made ​​a huge contribution to the local economic development. As Singapore's Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said Singapore need to be constantly imported from China, India, Southeast Asia and the brightest and vibrant new immigrants, in order to continue to maintain the momentum and vitality. Singapore's history is one of the main destinations of Chinese immigrants. Since the 1990s, Chinese immigrants began a large-scale entry into Singapore. Especially in the last 10 years, each year, tens of thousands of Chinese people in various immigration channels to enter Singapore. Although the government has refused to release specific data on immigration source, but they stressed that the majority of the new citizens came from countries other than China, nearly half of which comes from Southeast Asia. . In recent years, immigrants and Singapore locals contradiction Most of pointing the finger of blame at Chinese immigrants.